If you’re the parent of a teenager who is getting ready to climb behind the steering wheel, insuring them can be an expensive endeavor. This is because the risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among 16- to 19-year-olds than among any other age group. We’ve gathered some helpful tips to help you keep your premiums cost effective and your teen driver safe. .jpg)
Policy Options
Rather than setting up an independent policy for your teen driver, consider adding them as an additional driver on your auto insurance policy. This could help lower your premium. Also, if you have more than one vehicle, designate which vehicle your child will be driving. That could be another way to save.
Deductible Considerations
By upping your deductible and utilizing your insurance for big repairs, you may be able to reduce your premium.
Enroll Your Teen In Driver’s Education
Although courses may be available at your child’s school, consider enrolling him/her in a driver’s education course. Often, discounts are available for teens who take recognized driving classes because it extends the teaching period.
Weigh Your Buying Decision
Before you make an auto purchase, we’d be happy to give you an insurance quote to help you with your buying decision.
Set Your Expectations For Safety
While you can’t do anything about your teen’s young driver status, there are many things you can do to help them reduce potential accidents such as:
- Restricting your teen’s nighttime driving
- Limiting the number of passengers in the vehicle
- Banning the use of electronics, such as talking or texting on a cellphone or listening to music, while behind the wheel
- Establishing driving-area limits
- Setting a curfew
- Talking to your teenager about the dangers of drinking and driving
- Insisting on seat belt use for everyone in the vehicle
- Riding with your son or daughter occasionally to make sure they are keeping up with the safety habits that they learned in driver’s education